Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Top 10 Steps to Radiation Safety

This is from an email sent out by MUSC
!!Top 10 Steps to Radiation Safety!!
 Because of its potential damaging effects, the amount of radiation exposure should be minimized. The exposure to radiation should be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
1.      All operators of mobile or portable xray equipment are required to have a dosimetry badge
2.      Fetal monitors are recommended, but not required, for pregnant individuals.  When a fetal monitor is requested, a written notification to the Radiation Safety Office (24255) must be submitted.
3.      Wear a dosimetry badge at all times when in a fluoroscopic suite.
4.      All dosimetry badges must be turned in to the Radiation Safety Office by the 10th of the month.
5.      Wear your dosimetry badge on the upper body in a location which is most likely to receive the exposure.
6.      If you lose your dosimetry badge, contact the Radiation Safety Office (24255).
7.      Wear proper protective equipment (PPE), lead apron, thyroid shield, and lead gloves as needed.
8.      Always be aware of the three main principles of reducing radiation exposure:
a.      Time – minimize the amount of time in radiation area
b.      Distance – distance self as much as possible from radiation sources
c.       Shielding – use protective shielding devices
9.      Only licensed xray technologist or trained licensed practitioner shall operate x-ray equipment.
10.  Only licensed xray technologist or trained licensed practitioner shall position the carm or mobile radiographic unit over the patient or area of interest. Non-licensed personnel are only allowed to move the carm or other radiation generating device into the suite of operation, and turning the unit on to enter patient data.